DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - REV. 07/21/93 - ACT FIVE 44. 66 CONTINUED: DAX ... And don't speak to your elders that way... They've barely taken a step when they hear approaching steps and machetes slashing nearby... Dax reacts... they crouch back to the ground... more sounds of people coming... Dax pulls Kira down... stay with them as they try to breathe without making noise... 67 CLOSE ON KIRA in pain, hugging the ground... 68 HER POV - SIDEWAYS (OPTICAL) through foliage to see Bajoran boots walk slowly by, ... and then they return and pause nearby... the sounds of a tricorder beeping... sounds of more searchers, louder and louder... and slowly the scene begins to lose focus... 69 KIRA knows it's over, loses consciousness. 70 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 71 INT. CONDUIT #3 Sisko, O'Brien, Li... ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Sisko. I hope you're not still on level five... SISKO No, we're on three... why? ODO'S COM VOICE Because they're about to fill the conduits with anesthizine gas... starting with level five...