DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - 07/15/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 57 EXT. BAJOR - MATTE SHOT - DAY (OPTICAL) A trail of smoke from one of the tiny specks as it crashes and explodes on the ground. 58 INT. RAIDER COCKPIT Kira presses forward to get a better look out the window... KIRA Where the hell's the other one? A massive hit... on their tail... KIRA I think we found him. Fire in the cockpit, behind them... the ship lurches even more violently than before... Kira desperately tries to keep control... the thrusters fire unevenly... DAX Thruster power is falling... KIRA They must've hit a plasma conduit... DAX (checking the fire) Is there any fire gear? KIRA Check under the seat. DAX (checking) I think I've got something. She pulls out a very small archaic extinguisher. DAX That's it? KIRA That's it. Dax sighs and starts to squirt the fire... a thick slime barely arcs out and slops to the floor... not getting anywhere near the fire... DAX Got any other ideas?