DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - 07/15/93 - ACT THREE 33. 43 CONTINUED: Suddenly a huge boom and a major shake... KIRA What the hell was that? Frantically pressing panels... DAX I have no idea... None of the sensors are... Another explosion, this one causes some damage... sparks... KIRA Someone's firing at us... initiating evasive maneuvers... Frustrated by the control sensors, Dax finally reaches for her tricorder and points it toward the window... DAX I'm reading the E-M signature of an impulse engine... KIRA Let's see what we're dealing with... As she takes a hard turn... 44 ANGLE (OPTICAL) A sweeping pan as the ship moves to see in the window two Bajoran impulse ships coming at us... phasers blasting... KIRA Welcoming committee from Jaro... Kira makes a hard turn, the two ships sweep overhead... explosions rocking us... 45 NEW ANGLE DAX We'll never outrun them in this... KIRA You're right... we've gotta even the match...