DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - REV. 07/21/93 - ACT THREE 30. 34 INT. CONDUIT #1 Sisko takes a beat to think, sees O'Brien obviously concerned... SISKO (to com) Stand by, Doctor. Presses his combadge off. O'BRIEN Maybe we ought to send him someone with experience... someone who can run the show like Li... Sisko glances at Li who has overheard... Li breaks eye contact, not capable of this... SISKO No, I need Li here with us. (hits combadge) All right, Doctor... move your unit to cargo bay six, you know what to do... and let me re-emphasize -- use deadly force only if absolutely necessary. 34A INT. CONDUIT #2 Bashir is already getting up to move, motioning the others to follow... BASHIR Aye, sir... we're on our way... As men move by Quark... QUARK Happy hunting. I'll be here thinking of you. As he turns to pick up an extra ration that somebody left behind... starts to eat it... 35 OMITTED 36 INT. CARGO BAY with crates and barrels as usual... a door opens and the Bajoran search party ENTERS...