DEEP SPACE: "The Siege" - 07/15/93 - ACT TWO 19. 21 CONTINUED: DAX (unhappily shaking off the cobwebs) Have I mentioned how allergic Trills are to insect bites? KIRA Really? DAX The biochemical connections between the host and symbiont can't tolerate the... (interrupting herself, startled) Is that a spider or a dog? We catch a glimpse of something large, black and crab-like moving quickly across a rock in the foreground... KIRA Palukoo. The Bajoran moons are full of them. DAX (ugh) I suppose they became your pets and you all sang songs about them around the campfire. KIRA No, we ate them. Dax gives her a sharp look... Kira pauses... flashes the palm beacon ahead... KIRA There it is... 22 ANGLE - TO REVEAL (OPTICAL) the smallest, most archaic looking spacecraft we've ever seen on Star Trek. In 20th century terms, it's a biplane. As they move closer...