32:[1,#b],61:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/15/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 84 INCLUDING ODO He's entered -- carrying Zef'no's PADD. ODO The Circle's being supplied by the Cardassians. KIRA (stunned outrage) What? ODO (hands PADD to Sisko) I "borrowed" the proof. It's got a Gul's thumbscan on it. KIRA But The Circle hates the Cardassians... ODO They don't know it is the Cardassians. They think they've been buying from Kressari traders. LI I don't understand. Why would the Cardassians want to help Jaro if he hates them? BASHIR It gets them what they want the most. SISKO Rid of us. They're just using Jaro. Once the Federation is forced to leave... LI (realizing, worst possible scenario) The Cardassians come back... Sisko nods... LI We have to do something... I have to do something. Sisko's already thinking about this... hits combadge...