DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/14/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 67 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Dax, you're in charge. She acknowledges, stays with Quark as the others load the Turbolift... as it leaves... QUARK (to Sisko) We can discuss appropriate compensation for this at a more convenient time. 68 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE & RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A Runabout leaves the station and recedes into space. 69 INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - CAVE (OPTICAL) A dark tunnel leading to the main chamber... Sisko, Li, Bashir (with first aide kit) and two Bajoran deputies MATERIALIZE... Sisko crawls to the entrance of the main chamber... does recon... 70 ANGLE -- Two of the Circlese are seen standing before an open weapons container, handing out weapons to their First, Second and Third N.D. (Bajoran) Radical compatriots. As they receive the weapons, the Radicals will heft and examine them; testing balance, etc... as... SISKO Only five... but they've got more firearms than a galaxy class starship... A groan echoes through the cavern... it's Kira... they look up and around trying to trace the source of the sound... BASHIR Where the hell's it coming from? Li shakes his head, hard to say. Sisko hands out extra combadges to each of them... SISKO All right, straight power play, nothing fancy.