DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/14/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 67 CONTINUED: QUARK ... I managed to find out where The Circle's headquarters is... in the labyrinths beneath the Perikian Peninsula... Sisko's already on the move toward the Turbolift... SISKO (to com) Sisko to Security. VOICE (O.S.) Go ahead. SISKO (to com) I need a couple of officers to go on a rescue mission to Bajor. Report to Runabout Pad "C." VOICE (O.S.) On our way. SISKO Doctor, Lieutenant, you're with me... Mister O'Brien, you'll be our pilot. Configure the runabout sensors for a full sweep of that peninsula. Once we find the base, I'll be depending a great deal on your famous transporter talents... O'BRIEN Aye, sir... LI Commander, I'm going... SISKO No, it's too dangerous... LI Don't you understand. I can do this. I don't know what it means to be a Navarch. But I can fight in the trenches and I take orders well. (beat) Besides, I owe her one. Sisko takes a beat, nods okay... switches orders...