DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - 07/12/93 - ACT FOUR 42. ZEF'NO (O.S.) Very well. If you'll just sign off on the shipment, we'll be on our way. 61 RAT'S POV Zef'no hands a PADD to the Cardassian, who presses a thumbprint on it. 62 RAT CARDASSIAN (O.S.) God's speed. Hear the sound of a beamout... 63 RAT'S POV - CLOSEUP OF THE PADD being inserted by Zef'no into a standard wall mount and as he leaves, we stay on the PADD to emphasize its importance. One last look at -- 64 THE RAT - EXTREME CLOSE-UP and... 65 INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER A Few N.D. Bajorans -- including the Second and Third Kidnappers -- carrying large N.D. containers from within the bunker toward the (o.s.) entrance. The bustle of to-and-fro activity here. The symbol of the Circle clearly displayed. Moving to find a figure moving in from the bright stream of light and as he moves inside to the normal lighting we see it is Jaro... we follow him as he leads us to Kira... who is seated on a hard chair, under guard. She has not been harmed. Kira frowns, astonishment at seeing Jaro. He'll be polite; but he's cold, and all business. No politician's facade this time. JARO Good afternoon. KIRA So, you're involved with The Circle.