93:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/15/93 - ACT TWO 25. 41 CONTINUED: QUARK I happen to know they've got enough weapons, explosives and supplies to support an army. ODO (reacts) How do you know that? QUARK I've been asking a few questions to people who don't answer questions from people like you. ODO Where would the Circle be getting so many weapons? QUARK The Kressari. ODO The Kressari? That doesn't make sense. The Kressari don't even have a military... they're botanic DNA traders... QUARK They're not delivering flowers these days. I know, Odo. Odo presses something on the panel before him, with: ODO Computer... when's the next Kressari vessel due here? COMPUTER VOICE The Kressari vessel Calondon is scheduled to arrive in thirty-six hours. Odo nods, turns back to Quark. ODO Do you know where these weapons are being sent to on Bajor? QUARK No, not exactly, but I... ODO Find out.