105:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/14/93 - ACT TWO 24. 40 CONTINUED: PEACE OFFICER That'll put an end to this Circle. (signing off) Keep your eyes open up there, old friend... ODO (disturbed at the news) I always do. The monitor returns to a Bajoran symbol as Odo turns to see -- 41 ANGLE - QUARK has been standing there, listening... anticipating the question... ODO No, I haven't made any progress in finding the ones who assaulted you... Quark, unusually subdued, sits. QUARK It's over, Odo. ODO The investigation isn't closed, it's just a matter of... QUARK No, you don't understand -- it's over. ODO What are you talking about. QUARK Everything. Bajor. The provisional government. The Federation being here. All of it. We've got to leave. Well, I do anyway... you can just turn into a couch... ODO You mean because of this Circle business? They're just a bunch of hooligans who use violence to get attention...