28:[1,#b],32:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/14/93 - ACT ONE 12. 12 CONTINUED: KIRA Is this a joke? (to all) Did you plan this? BASHIR (not me) Nobody could have planned this. KIRA (calls o.s.) We're open for business. Come on in. Join the crowd. 13 INCLUDING BAREIL In the doorway stands VEDEK BAREIL (the Bajoran Vedek we first met in our "IN THE HANDS OF THE PROPHETS" episode). As he's revealed, there's sudden, complete SILENCE in the room... And Kira BOLTS to her feet. KIRA Vedek Bareil. BAREIL I didn't mean to intrude... KIRA No; please... Come in. These are my... (beat; realizing it) ...friends. Bareil, smiling warmly and graciously, bows courteously to all in the room, as: BAREIL Yes, I've met... (nods at each) ... Security Chief Odo... Lieutenant Dax, and... Mister O'Brien, I believe. O'BRIEN How do you do, Sir. KIRA I had no idea you were coming to the station. BAREIL Nowadays, it's probably wiser not to announce those things.