96:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/14/93 - ACT ONE 9. 10 CONTINUED: DAX (to Kira) Did they offer any alternative? KIRA (to Odo) I do care. (to Bashir) No, they haven't. (to Dax) No, they didn't. (to all) Look, I really ought to finish packing... The door CHIMES. BASHIR (to Odo) You said "If she doesn't care"... You mean about leaving... KIRA (calls o.s.) By all means, come on in. ODO (to Dax) She's done well here... she ought to stay here... (challenging him) And I'd say she needs a little support from her friends, Doctor. BASHIR Well, yes, certainly, but if her orders... Stops mid-sentence and turns to see -- 11 INCLUDING O'BRIEN Startled to see so many others present, he stands tentatively -- silently -- on the threshold for a beat, with: O'BRIEN Uh... KIRA (genuine smile) Chief. Come in.