66:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/14/93 - ACT ONE 8. 10 INCLUDING BASHIR as, surprised to see others present, he nonetheless ENTERS. KIRA (smile) Doctor. DAX (to Kira) Foreign affairs building? BASHIR (to Kira) I wanted to wish you my best. DAX (to Kira) Well that's certainly dull. BASHIR (does she mean him?) I beg your pardon? KIRA (to Dax, resigned) "Dull" is the polite word for it. ODO (to Bashir) Doctor, if you were Kira, wouldn't you at least be complaining to Commander Sisko? BASHIR (lost) Uh... Look, I just came to wish you good luck. KIRA (to Bashir; gently) Thank you, Doctor. BASHIR (to Odo) "Complaining" about what? ODO (to Bashir) Nevermind, Doctor; if she doesn't care, why should we? BASHIR (to Kira) Have they given you any explanation yet?