DEEP SPACE: "The Circle" - REV. 07/15/93 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I thought you did fairly well... once I smoothed your edges. The door CHIMES again. KIRA (calls o.s.) Yes?... 9 INCLUDING DAX as -- carrying a small, slightly feminine (in design) spray bottle -- DAX ENTERS. DAX (re: Odo) Am I disturbing anything? KIRA (to Dax) Stick around; you can help me cry in my synthale. DAX (proffers bottle) I thought I'd better return this epidellic lotion. KIRA No, if you like it... DAX ... Oh, it's wonderful... KIRA ... Then, keep it. ODO (exasperated) How can you be chatting about skin lotion at a time like this? DAX (to Kira) D'you know where you'll be stationed? The door CHIMES.