DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 65 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'm afraid so. LI But why? KIRA Their goal is to rid Bajor of all non-Bajorans. LI Hasn't the provisional government tried to stop them... ? KIRA (with contempt) Oh, they've tried. But the truth is the Circle is more organized than the government. QUARK Well, the government better get organized, because I intend to sue them for financial compensation. SISKO (in no mood for Quark's antics) Not now, Quark. Quark decides not to push it. SISKO (to Li) People have grown impatient with the government's inability to get things done, so they turn to the Circle. KIRA We need someone to speak out against these reactionaries. Someone the people will listen to. A beat. It's clear to Li that they mean him. He nods thoughtfully. 65A NEW ANGLE Bashir turns off the dermal regenerator and steps away from Quark. Quark's forehead looks Ferengi normal.