DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 58 CONTINUED: SISKO Enjoy it while you can. Judging from the crowd on the Promenade, a moment is all you're going to get. LI (subdued) I thought they'd have forgotten me by now. SISKO (tongue in cheek) It appears you were wrong. LI This morning I was a slave and tonight I'm a hero. SISKO (sympathetic) It must seem a little overwhelming. Li sits down. His wound hurts, he's tired but he smiles wryly. LI I'll tell you what is overwhelming, Commander. It's knowing that something I've waited for my whole life has finally happened. (a beat) The Cardassians are gone... we've won. (a beat) You've been there recently. What's it like, a free Bajor? SISKO I think you'll be pleased... for the most part. LI "Most part"? SISKO Bajor lacks strong leadership.