DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 50 CONTINUED: SISKO I think you'll find that things have changed considerably. 51 NEW ANGLE as Odo comes out of security and joins them. ODO Commander, a transport carrying Minister Jaro has arrived from Bajor. SISKO Major, I think you should have the honor of welcoming him aboard. KIRA Thank you, Commander. And with a nod to Li, she's off. 52 ON LI As he and Sisko continue their walk, he notices three Bajorans staring at him in rapt recognition. Intensely uncomfortable under their scrutiny, he veers out of their path. 53 INT. REPLIMAT As Sisko leads Li over to the eatery. SISKO If you're hungry, the Replimat has some passable Bajoran food. But all Li sees are the reactions of the Bajoran diners to his sudden appearance in their midst. LI Actually, I'm a bit tired. I think I'd like to see my quarters. SISKO Of course. But as Sisko turns to leave the Replimat, he becomes aware of the crowd that has begun to form around them.