DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT THREE 35. 41 CONTINUED: Kira nods her thanks as she hands her phaser to Borum. Then she's on her way with O'Brien, Li and the rest of the prisoners. Borum, remaining behind with the others, fires at the advancing Cardassians. 42 INT. RUNABOUT - RIO GRANDE Kira, O'Brien, Li and the Bajorans pile in. O'Brien eases Li into a chair. Kira opens a 24th century first aid kit, zaps him with a sterilizing spray. O'Brien takes the controls. O'BRIEN Ready to launch, Major. KIRA Not yet. Some of the others still might make it. O'BRIEN Standing by. O'Brien reacts to panel readings. O'BRIEN I'm picking up two Galor class warships entering orbit. They should be overhead in one minute, forty-five seconds. LI Major, you can't leave those men behind. O'BRIEN One minute, thirty seconds. If we don't leave now, Major, we never will. Kira has to make the tough decision. KIRA Take us home, Chief. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. He works the panels.