DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT THREE 32. 32 CONTINUED: Kira enters the camp. O'Brien tries to follow her inside but the Overseer hits a button and the field closes in front of him; separating him from Kira. 33 NEW ANGLE The overseer pulls Kira to him. OVERSEER Now, show me why you're worth two strips of gold press latinum. KIRA All right. She reaches for the zipper of her blouse, then suddenly lashes out with a vicious forearm to the Overseer's face. He staggers back. Kira closes in, hits him again and he goes down. 34 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as a second overseer rushes toward her. Kira whips out a phaser and stuns him. She picks up the Field Control Unit and opens a hole in the security field, allowing O'Brien to enter. 35 ANGLE - O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) as a third overseer fires at him. O'Brien shoots him with a phaser. There are no other Cardassians in sight. 36 ANGLE ON O'BRIEN AND KIRA as they hurry over to the prisoners. Kira spots Li. KIRA Li Nalas? Li is confused by the sudden turn of events. LI Who are you? KIRA Major Kira Nerys. We've come to get you out of here.