DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT THREE 30. 29 CONTINUED: KIRA I hope you're right. As they EXIT frame... O'BRIEN So do I. 30 ANGLE - THE PRISONERS aware of the newcomers. Among the prisoners is a tall, rangy, laconic Bajoran in his late forties. This is LI NALAS. Li, a man of great physical presence, has a quiet self-effacing Abraham Lincoln/Gary Cooper charisma. He's intensely self- conscious; but years of living with his reputation has taught him to hide his true feelings behind his public image. Standing beside him is his close friend BORUM. LI (re: O'Brien & Kira) What's all this? BORUM (hope rising) I'm not quite sure. 31 ANGLE - KIRA AND O'BRIEN as they approach the Overseer. OVERSEER Halt. They stop a few feet from the security field. O'Brien assumes a loud, overbearing manner. O'BRIEN We're here to see the prefect. OVERSEER What for? O'BRIEN (dripping innuendo) She has an appointment with him. The Overseer eyes Kira. It's obvious he likes what he sees. OVERSEER (with sexual overtones) I used to be stationed on Bajor.