54:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT TWO 22. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO (not again) How do you know about Cardassia Four? O'BRIEN She told me all about it. SISKO Is there anyone on this station she didn't tell? O'BRIEN I doubt she mentioned it to Quark. SISKO Well then, as far as Quark's concerned, she's going to Lamenda Prime to bring back mineral samples. O'BRIEN Very good, sir. SISKO Now, is there any way we can prevent the Cardassian sensors from picking up the runabout's signature? O'Brien immediately rattles off an answer. O'BRIEN I could modulate the engine's power emissions, reconfigure the deflector shield grid, and install field buffers around the subspace emitter coil. By the time I'm done, the Cardies will think they're reading a Lissepian transport. SISKO I see you've already given this a bit of thought. O'BRIEN (faux surprise) I suppose I have at that. And as they share a smile...