DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT TWO 20. 14 CONTINUED: DAX I told you when we came here this was going to be a tough assignment. Of course, I didn't know it was going to be this tough... SISKO What if I told you I knew someone who could bring stability to Bajor. Someone who could unite the factions and give us a chance to do our job. DAX (smiling) I'd say give Kira the runabout. This catches Sisko off guard. SISKO How do you know about Kira wanting a runabout? DAX (simply) She told me. SISKO (not pleased) I thought this was supposed to be a covert mission. DAX I promise not to tell. SISKO All right, supposing I do help, and she does rescue Li Nalas. What do we say to the Cardassians? DAX The question is, what do they say to us? They swore they released all their Bajoran prisoners.