DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT ONE 17. 11 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA So, do I get the runabout? A beat. Sisko wants to help, but he's also aware of the potential danger they would be risking. SISKO I'll have to think it over. 12 CLOSE ON SISKO faced with another tough decision. 13 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Odo, O'BRIEN and Sisko are examining graffiti scrawled across a wall; it's the Bajoran symbol modified in some ominous way. O'BRIEN I was on my way to Crossover Bridge Three to do some repair work on the field modulators. I noticed this. SISKO (grim recognition) It's the emblem of the Alliance for Global Unity. They call themselves "The Circle." O'BRIEN "The Circle," huh. Well, what gives them the right to go mucking up our station?