DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - TEASER 7. 3 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Me. Quark plucks the earring out of her hands. Gives a reassuring smile. 4 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS KIRA, her tunic unbuttoned, stands before a Bajoran icon in silent meditation. The DOORBELL CHIMES. KIRA Come in. The door opens. In steps Quark. QUARK Surprise. KIRA What do you want? Quark's eyes are locked on her open tunic. QUARK I always wondered what your quarters looked like. Kira buttons her tunic. KIRA That better not be your only reason for being here. Quark scrutinizes her rather spartan living space. QUARK You don't entertain much, do you? KIRA I entertain a lot. I just don't entertain you. Quark indicates an adjoining room. Kira disappears into another room. QUARK Let me guess, the bedroom. KIRA (O.S.) You take one step in here and I promise it'll be your last.