DEEP SPACE: "In the Hands... " - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 49 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) O'Brien works on the console at his station... reacts as he finds something... repeats the function... Dax at hers... O'BRIEN (to himself) What the hell... ? (beat) Computer, identify subprogram labelled "A-N-A"... COMPUTER VOICE That file is protected by a personal security access code. O'BRIEN On whose authority? COMPUTER VOICE Chief of Operations Miles O'Brien. O'BRIEN Me? I never saw this file before. Override command. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. State security code to release protection. He reacts, moves to the pit... O'BRIEN (to Dax) Lieutenant, I've got to do a manual isolation of an anomalous file... it's in the security field subsystem... labelled "A-N-A"...