DEEP SPACE: "In the Hands... " - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 37 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Destroy you... WINN You live without a soul, Commander. You and your Federation exist in a universe of darkness and you would drag us in there with you. But we... will... not... go. Sisko studies her, and finally relaxes, grins. SISKO You've just made your first mistake, Vedek. WINN Have I. SISKO The Bajoran people who have lived with us on this station... who have worked with us for months... who helped us move this station to protect the wormhole... who have joined us to explore the Gamma Quadrant... who have begun to build the future of Bajor with us... these people know that we are neither your enemy nor... the devil. His eyes find -- 38 ANGLE - INCLUDE KIRA as his words reach her. SISKO (continuing) We don't always agree. We have some damn good fights in fact. But we always come away from them with a little more understanding and appreciation for each other.