DEEP SPACE: "In the Hands... " - REV. 04/06/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 32 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Hell, I don't even know what we're looking for. If anything happened here, it's been pretty well covered up. Neela nods, frustrated, a quick brief shudder passes across her shoulders... softly vulnerable, and sad -- NEELA Did you know him well? O'BRIEN Aquino? Barely knew him at all. Just the welcome aboard, if you need anything speech. You? NEELA Not really. Bajoran and Starfleet officers don't socialize too much... O'BRIEN How come? NEELA I don't know. I guess we just keep to ourselves. O'BRIEN You're not like that with me. NEELA (smiles) You're not like the others. (off O'Brien's curious reaction) You know. You don't put on any airs... You're just... nicer. She smiles warmly at him. A beat. And suddenly it's just a little too intimate for O'Brien's comfort... he gets up. O'BRIEN Well, uh, look, I'll close up here... why don't you take off... NEELA You sure? O'BRIEN (double meaning) Yeah. I'm sure.