38:[1,#b],84:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "In the Hands... " - REV. 04/05/93 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: KEIKO Did she... ? (beat) So. Is she working out any better than the last one? O'BRIEN Neela? She's terrific. She's even taught me a few things. KEIKO (very dry) I'm glad to hear her expertise doesn't end with jumja sticks... O'BRIEN (slow on the uptake) Oh yeah, she's a good engin... (now he realizes) hold on... KEIKO What? O'BRIEN You're not thinking... She keeps walking, poker faced... O'BRIEN Keiko... She smiles, satisfied, secure in her marriage... KEIKO (teasing) Just keeping you on your toes, O'Brien. O'BRIEN Very funny, O'Brien. KEIKO (flirtatious) Be careful who you share your jumja with... Smiles sexily and walks away... off O'Brien's reaction...