DEEP SPACE: "Duet" - REV. 03/30/93 - ACT FOUR 36. 36B INT. HOLDING CELL AREA as Kira ENTERS once more. Marritza stands as though waiting for her. MARRITZA Back again to see "the butcher"... Am I really that fascinating? KIRA How did you know I was with the Shakaar? MARRITZA (ignores question) That provisional government of yours certainly moves slowly. They should've dragged me away in chains by now. KIRA (calm; flat) Answer the question. MARRITZA (amused) My, my, you are a strutting little egotist. You forget the brilliance of Marritza's filing system. He saw to it that I was provided with information on all your little terrorist bands. I especially enjoyed the termination reports. You see, life at a forced labor camp can be so isolating. At times I felt that only I bore the burden of cleansing Bajor of its rabble. Those reports reassured me that I was not alone.