DEEP SPACE: "Duet" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT FOUR 34. 36 CONTINUED: KIRA I don't want to lie down. That's what he'd like. Another Bajoran hiding in a corner. He's probably in there laughing at me now. ODO He won't be laughing very long. KIRA (still reflecting) I hate him, Odo. I hate that smirking, superior Cardassian face. When I was fighting with the resistance, we used to lie awake at night plotting the assassination of men like him. And now I have to stand there and listen to him belittle the Shakaar and everything it stood for. ODO Perhaps you should avoid discussing your personal history with a creature like that. KIRA (offhandedly) I didn't. But Odo -- sensing something else here -- pursues with focused interest: ODO Then how did he know you were with the Shakaar?