41:[1,#b],75:[1,#b],98:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Duet" - REV. 03/31/93 - ACT THREE 30. 35 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Thank you, but I think I've heard enough of your lies. MARRITZA What lies? You mean my failure to divulge my true identity? Believe me, I yearned to tell you. But I knew how much more satisfying it would be for you to find out for yourself. And believe me, Major; that was my only deception. Marritza? He was a magnificent file clerk. And I, Gul Darhe'el? I hope you won't think it immodest of me when I say that I was a magnificent leader. You never saw Gallitep at its height. As a labor camp, it was the very model of order and efficiency. And why? For that, you must look to the top. To me! He holds out his hands to Kira -- palms up. MARRITZA My word, my merest glance, was law. And my verdict was always the same: Guilty. And he closes his fists -- with gusto. KIRA You're insane. MARRITZA No, no, no, Major... I'm sorry, but you can't dismiss me that easily. I did what needed to be done.