DEEP SPACE: "Duet" - REV. 03/29/93 - ACT TWO 19. 24 CONTINUED: (3) MARRITZA Until now. KIRA And what did you teach? MARRITZA Believe it or not... (beat; confides) Filing. KIRA (anger flaring) I can verify that. MARRITZA Be my guest. KIRA (skeptical) I still think you're a liar. MARRITZA Ah. So much for our search for the truth. Now we exchange insults. KIRA You admit you worked under Gul Darhe'el. MARRITZA We all did. KIRA I take it, then... you witnessed the atrocities. MARRITZA Atrocities? What atrocities? He seats himself again; unperturbed, during: MARRITZA Oh, I do vaguely recall hearing a scream now and then, but... (skeptical disbelief) Atrocities? KIRA Do you expect me to believe you knew nothing about the murders... the torture... You never saw the bodies?