126:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Duet" - REV. 03/29/93 - ACT TWO 14. 22 CONTINUED: KIRA (beat; quietly) You think this is all some personal vendetta on my part, don't you? SISKO I think you're too close to be objective, yes. KIRA You're right; I'm not objective. But I'm your first officer, and I give you my word that I'll conduct myself accordingly. Sisko sits back for a moment of silent consideration, as: KIRA (a soft plea) You once said we were friends. I'm asking you now as a friend. Please let me conduct this investigation. I owe it to them. SISKO You mean the victims. KIRA (slow nod) That's right; the ones who moved too slowly and never moved again... I'm asking for all the Bajorans who can't ask... Let a Bajoran do this. A long beat -- as Sisko makes his decision. Then: SISKO (beat; taps combadge) Sisko to Odo. ODO'S COM VOICE Go ahead.