102:[1,#b],145:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Duet" - 03/26/93 - ACT ONE 12. 20 CONTINUED: KAVAL You're not holding a certain Cardassian for us? SISKO We are holding a Cardassian... temporarily. KAVAL By "temporarily," you mean until you're satisfied that a verified identification has been made. SISKO Minister, I'm not sure we have the grounds to hold him that long. KAVAL I fully understand your concerns, Commander, but... (happy solution) ... since our Major Kira's accepted responsibility in this matter, the burden is off your shoulders. SISKO I don't agree. KAVAL (less jovial) Commander, if this Marritza was at Gallitep, we want him, and we will have him. Is that clear? SISKO (not pleased) It is. KAVAL Good. (affably again) We'll chat again soon. Good day, Commander. And the monitor screen blanks. MOVE IN and HOLD on Sisko's face -- which reflects his frustration, as we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE