15:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Duet" - 03/26/93 - ACT ONE 11. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO Then he was at the Gallitep labor camp. BASHIR Definitely. I've cross-checked all Bajoran and Federation medical records, and there's simply no other way he could've gotten that condition. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Sisko. SISKO (taps combadge) Yes, Major. KIRA'S COM VOICE Commander, there's an incoming transmission for you from Bajor. It's the Minister of State. SISKO Thank you. (to Bashir) If you'll excuse me, Doctor. Bashir nods -- EXITS. 20 INCLUDING SISKO'S MONITOR SCREEN (OPTICAL) as the face of Minister KAVAL appears. SISKO Minister Kaval. Good day, Sir. KAVAL And to you, Commander. I trust you're in good health; things are going well on the station... ? SISKO Quite well, thank you. KAVAL That's wonderful. I'm told you've performed a special service for Bajor today. Congratulations to you. SISKO I don't quite follow.