131:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Forsaken" - REV. 3/08/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 53 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Sisko is operating the gear himself... shooting a thin cutting beam along the door... more smoke is escaping... Kira is organizing the helpers... she's strapping on a fire extinguisher... KIRA (to a med supernumerary) We're going to need portable oxygen... and get anything Bashir has in stock to treat plasma burns... (he exits, to a security man) Have a runabout ready to evacuate these people to Bajor if we need to... He leaves... 54 INT. OPS O'Brien finishes what he's doing... excited, with purpose... O'BRIEN Anara... ? ANARA The subprogram is ready, Chief. O'BRIEN Computer, analyze subprogram labelled "Pup"... COMPUTER VOICE Requested subprogram is a series of bi-directional data transfer and monitoring commands. O'BRIEN Re-route all main computer backup functions through this subprogram. COMPUTER VOICE All backup functions re-routed.