137:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Forsaken" - REV. 3/08/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 36 INT. OPS Emergency lighting is on now... Anara is in the engineering station... O'BRIEN We're ready, Commander... SISKO How long do you expect it to take? O'BRIEN If it works, we ought to be able to get all of the probe's files manually transferred to the six isolinear rods in less than sixty seconds... SISKO Let's do it... O'BRIEN Computer, conduct a level one diagnostic of all power systems on board. COMPUTER VOICE Requested function will require forty- three minutes. Stand by. O'Brien immediately goes to work, signalling Anara who works on a parallel console with a set of isolinear rods in a computer drive... as the diversion dialogue continues, O'Brien hits panels furiously and Anara puts in and takes out the set of six rods... one by one... SISKO Computer, give me an analysis of all Cardassian traffic along the border... COMPUTER VOICE Processing long range sensors, stand by... One of the rods is full and removed... DAX Computer, create an historical data base for all known wormhole activity... COMPUTER VOICE Time parameters... Another rod...