DEEP SPACE: "The Forsaken" - REV. 3/08/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 33 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Receptors open... control relays activated... O'BRIEN Upload all probe command sequences back to the probe's computers... COMPUTER VOICE Stand by. After a beat, all lights and power in Ops goes out. O'BRIEN It may not be quite as easy as I thought, Commander. 34 INT. PROMENADE Some emergency source lights are dotting on one by one but it's mostly dark... finding Bashir and the three ambassadors reacting to all this... TAXCO Is it just the lights or the heat too... I didn't bring any warm clothes... BASHIR I'm sure it's just temporary... LOJAL I've been reading the reports of your Chief of Operations, Doctor... They gave me the impression that he was a competent engineer... BASHIR Chief O'Brien? One of the best in Starfleet... LOJAL Then why aren't the backup systems functioning? BASHIR Well, you know, out here on the edge of the frontier, it's one adventure after another... why don't I escort you back to your quarters while we all wait this out...