DEEP SPACE: "The Forsaken" - REV. 3/08/93 - ACT TWO 22. O'BRIEN That's an awful lot of computer hardware to simply navigate a probe. Kira comes over... KIRA Anything? DAX Nothing that suggests the probe's mission. As they react to the continuing mystery... 20 INT. PROMENADE Bashir and his ambassadors moving toward the Infirmary. BASHIR It's no trouble at all... we can clear that headache up in a second... when was the last time you had a complete checkup? VADOSIA Well, now that you mention it, I probably could use a physical if you could fit it into your schedule... They're inside and... 21 ANGLE to the Turbolift as the doors open and Odo comes out, looking around cautiously for Mrs. Troi... deciding the coast is clear, he comes out but a moment later, she appears... LWAXANA There you are, Odo. He recoils, steps backwards a few steps... to the Turbolift, hits the PADD buttons desperately, but it doesn't reopen... LWAXANA Have you ever been on the fourth moon of Andevian Two at dawn?