121:[1,#b],139:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - 2/24/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 73 CONTINUED: (2) Reactions, they look at Sisko... SISKO Dax... when did our sensors first pick up traces of the rupture... DAX (not certain where he's going) You were there, Benjamin... when we were first trying to figure this whole thing out... SISKO And if I remember correctly you said your previous scans hadn't picked up any anomalies at all... DAX (acknowledges) I thought that whatever was out there might have been too small for the scanners to identify... SISKO (finishing her thought) So you imagined that we might be dealing with a subspace rupture which is exactly what it turned out to be... DAX (catching on) That is what I... imagined... SISKO And once you learned about the rift that destroyed the Hanoli system, we all imagined that this might be another one just like it... (beat) Mister O'Brien, drop the shields. O'BRIEN Sir? SISKO There is no rupture. There is no threat to this station. Or this system. End red alert and drop the shields!