71:[1,#b],81:[1,#b],85:[1,#b],108:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - 3/05/93 - ACT FOUR 41A. 57B ANGLE - TO REVEAL BUCK behind him... the sounds continue... Jake stands... BUCK So what are you doing here? JAKE I can't go. I've got homework to do. BUCK (curious) But you'd rather be at the ballpark. JAKE You don't understand -- if I go to the holosuite without finishing my homework, my Dad'll kill me. BUCK Kill you? JAKE Yeah. BUCK You really believe he would... kill you? JAKE I know he would... BUCK (curious) If that's true, why are you still thinking about going... JAKE I'm trying not to. BUCK But you are wondering if you can get away with it, aren't you... 57C ANGLE - SISKO (OPTICAL) appears... Buck watches... SISKO Well?