149:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - 2/24/93 - ACT THREE 31. 40 ANGLE Buck beside him... wearing a mitt and popping a ball lightly into it... Sisko hasn't got time for this, he moves on... Buck stays in stride... and he's extremely likeable. SISKO Look, I tried to tell you... you're on a space station... in the twenty- fourth century... the only ball field around is a holographic simulation -- it's not real... and neither are you... BUCK See, I don't get it... I can pinch myself and it hurts... I am here with you, aren't I... ? SISKO Right now you are... in a minute, who knows? (beat, sighs) I'm hoping when we get this thing figured out... you'll... BUCK Disappear for good? SISKO I hope so... BUCK (almost sorry, doesn't quite buy it) You do, huh. (beat) Okay, but let's say for a moment I don't. What am I supposed to do then? You got room on your team for a switch hitting third baseman with good power... ?