63:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - REV. 2/25/93 - ACT THREE 29. 32 CONTINUED: (3) And O'Brien is desperately trying to cut off his worst fears, his paranoia, the work, stay with the work... O'BRIEN You should be getting some preliminary data, Commander... SISKO'S COM VOICE They're coming in now, Chief... stand- by... 33 ANGLE Close on O'Brien... RUMPELSTILTSKIN (O.S.) She is your first born, isn't she? And O'Brien's head snaps in rage... the fear and danger that any parent feels for the safety of their child spilling over his face... but move to reveal... the dwarf is gone. O'Brien, flustered by the inability to express his anger, turns back to his controls... O'BRIEN Thirty seconds to coordinates... 34 INT. LAB - CLOSE ON OKUDAGRAM (VPB) as the probe enters the anomaly... the screen begins to fill up with numbers as readouts begin... 35 CLOSE ON DAX Panning to closeups on Bashir and Sisko... DAX Thoron emission patterns unstable... probe hull temperature dropping rapidly... O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Ten seconds...