DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - REV. 2/24/93 - ACT TWO 22. 25 ANGLE to see Quark coming down the stairs with two scantily clad women... they descend the stairs like Dean Martin and the Goldiggers, the women stroking Quark's ears and fawning over him... QUARK Let me guess. Another clever Federation experiment has gone awry and you accidently turned the whole station into one vast holosuite... ODO The phenomenon is being investigated as we speak. QUARK Well, tell them to take their time... I haven't had the chance to show the ladies my collection of Tartaran landscapes yet... ODO I'm surprised by your attitude, Quark... QUARK You simply don't have the same appreciation for... art as I do... ODO I'm surprised because every one of your customers is winning... QUARK What? ODO They're taking you to the poor- house... VOICE Dabo... another winner... QUARK No... no... that's not possible... Moving away from the women to the tables... hands to his temples, concentrating... QUARK Lose... lose... one cross... two cross...