DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - 2/24/93 - ACT TWO 19. 20 NEW ANGLE as he turns to confront her -- she's gone... BASHIR (reacts) ... this? ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Sisko. SISKO Go ahead... ODO'S COM VOICE Is there something you want to tell me? SISKO I'm in no mood for games, Constable. What do you need? INTERCUT: 21 INT. REPLIMAT It's snowing out in the Promenade. People are moving inside brushing snow off their clothes, shocked at the phenomenon. ODO Have the environmental controls broken down? It's snowing on the Promenade. SISKO'S COM VOICE Snowing... ODO We're looking at five or six centimeters down here. 22 INT. OPS Reactions... SISKO Bring in all available security, Odo... we're going to yellow alert... ODO'S COM VOICE What's going on...