139:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - REV. 2/25/93 - ACT TWO 18. 18 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (embarrassed) Not necessarily... well, maybe... Glancing at Dax... who studies him evenly... he shrugs off the duplicate off his arm again... desperately changing the subject... BASHIR ... How could this sort of thing possibly happen... ? DAX (very concerned) A subspace disruption maybe, some kind of dimensional shift... As she moves toward her station to check readings... O'Brien glances around to see the dwarf has disappeared... he looks around... DAX (continuing) I didn't see an anomaly when I scanned the plasma field... but it could have been so small that the sensors missed it... 19 ANGLE (OPTICAL) DAX #2 (sotto) Julian, let's go to your quarters... As she smothers him with physical attention again... he pushes her away more forcefully... BASHIR Please... I don't have time for...