79:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "If Wishes Were... " - 2/24/93 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: ODO Afraid not. QUARK Neither had I until I made it my business to find out. With all these humans coming now... a true entrepreneur knows how to sniff the wind... He sniffs for emphasis... Odo studies him dryly... QUARK Try it. Go ahead... ODO I have no sense of smell. QUARK You don't need one to detect the scent of op-por-tun-itee. ODO Opportunity. QUARK Family entertainment. That's the future, Odo. There's a fortune to be made. Little holo-creatures running around... rides and games for the kiddies... Ferengis at every doorway selling useless souvenirs... ODO (dry) You're replacing all your sexual holo-programs with family entertainment... QUARK No, no, no, no, no... I'm expanding... I'm negotiating to lease the space next door so I can use the same holo- generators... Getting up to leave... ODO You're still disgusting.