DEEP SPACE: "Progress" - REV. 2/22/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 66 CONTINUED: SISKO (wryly) I can see why you like him. KIRA (wearily) What can I do for you, Commander? SISKO You and I have a materiel subsistence report to finish by the end of the week. KIRA I'm not sure I'll be able to help you with that. SISKO It's part of the liaison officer's job. KIRA I know. SISKO I don't like the prospect of having to break in a new one... They've reached the unfinished kiln, and Kira will studiously resume working on it, as: SISKO You have a job to do here, Major, and you're not doing it. KIRA It's not as simple as that. SISKO I'm not saying it's simple; I'm saying it can't wait. (getting no response) Look, I understand you're used to sympathizing with the underdog. You've spent your life fighting to overcome impossible odds... just like he's doing. But you have to realize something, Major... (beat; softly) ... You're on the other side now. That gets to her. She stops work; regards Sisko.