23:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Progress" - 2/16/93 - ACT THREE 26. 35 CONTINUED: NOG Well, you know... (as if it's obvious) ... Why does anybody use self-sealing stem bolts... O'BRIEN I wouldn't know; I've never used them. JAKE Never? O'BRIEN I've never even seen one. NOG Then how did you know they're self- sealing? O'BRIEN I read it here on the manifest padd. O'Brien gives the boys a nice little wave, and EXITS. NOG I would've bet anything he'd know what they were. JAKE I told you we should've asked that freighter captain. NOG (sudden idea) Wait... I know who can tell us what self-sealing stem bolts are! The Bajoran who ordered them in the first place. His name's gotta be on the shipping codes. Jake retrieves a code-reader from its magnetic holder on the wall -- runs it across a kind of bar-coded label on one of the crates. Then, Jake looks at the readout, with: JAKE (off readout) Sirco Ch'Ano... It has his address and everything. You think he'll be mad that we have his stem bolts?